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  •  天目湖先进储能技术研究院与西门子共建先进电池技术创新中心(ABTIC),致力于开发先进电池技术并实现量产

  • ABTIC旨在对下一代电池的生产链和创新链进行研发,并提供数字化解决方案










Siemens partners with TIES, a Chinese R&D Center to develop new technologies for electric vehicle batteries

  • Advanced Battery Technology Innovation Center (ABTIC) is initiated jointly by Tianmu Lake Institute of Advanced Energy Storage and Siemens to develop advanced battery technologies and help bring them to volume production

  • ABTIC aims to develop and provide digital solutions for production chains and innovation chains on next generation batteries

Announced today, Siemens Digital Industries Software has partnered with Tianmu Lake Institute of Advanced Energy Storage Technologies (TIES), a major Chinese energy storage research and development center, to build an Advanced Battery Technology Innovation Center. The Innovation Center, to be located at the 500 million-yuan, 51,000 square meter facility in Liyang, China, will be dedicated to transforming and upgrading the advanced battery industry, including nurturing advanced battery technology research and development, and the development and introduction of high-end talents in this growing area.

The Innovation Center will provide the advanced battery innovation chain and industry chain with comprehensive digital services, including design and simulation, test and analysis, pilot verification and engineering simulation. Meanwhile, the Innovation Center will also provide manufacturing enterprises, both domestic and abroad, with high-quality professional digital transformation services, including digital construction and digital manufacturing construction consulting services for medium- and large-sized enterprises, implementation of complete solutions for digital enterprises, as well as the development of digital capabilities for and shared lab leases for small and micro businesses. In doing so, this center can enable advanced research in battery technology, drive collaboration throughout the supply chain, and allow partners to develop the leading-edge battery technologies required for enhanced range with future electric vehicles. 

“As the first digital innovation center in battery field we aim to provide comprehensive digital solutions for the innovation chain and production chain, from first principle calculation to digital twin factory, from materials to systems,” said Professor Hong Li, Chief Executive Officer, at TIES. “This target is difficult to be realized but certainly worthy for long-term effort. Based on digital solutions, we believe we can understand the complex batteries and their processing precisely and produce the new batteries with unprecedented quality and reliability.”

"China is fast emerging as a peer to those countries long known as leaders in battery innovation, in part due to much concerted government and private investment, of which this Siemens-TIES partnership is a prime example,” said Pei Huang, CEO and Editor in Chief, at e-works, the leading media and research organization in Smart Manufacturing area in China. “The rise of China as an energy storage powerhouse is part of the much larger story of its dominance in the electric vehicle market, where it accounts for half of all EV sales globally and is expected to lead for decades to come. Given the breadth of Siemens Digital Industries Software, with enabling technologies serving most stages of the battery design, simulation and production process, also its deep relationships with EV market leaders in China and beyond, it's no surprise TIES leadership selected Siemens as its key partner and supplier supporting this new center."

Launched in April 2019, TIES was set up jointly by the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science and Jiangsu Zhongguancun Technology Park (Z-Park) for developing the new battery technologies and providing high quality customized services. The ABTIC Innovation Center is planned to open by the end of 2019. It is the first Innovation Center focused on advanced battery

 technology, and it is the first center in China to provide comprehensive third-party testing, research and development, verification and technology services to the battery industry. Much of China's burgeoning battery ecosystem, including both domestic and international companies like CATL and LG Chem, is clustered within a few hundred kilometers of Liyang.

“Investing in the ABTIC Innovation Center is a key step forward in helping our customers develop advanced battery technologies, said Leo Liang, Country Manager for China at Siemens Digital Industries Software. “Battery design and manufacturing need to be tightly aligned due to product complexity, and the Innovation Center will focus both on the technology incubation and development as well as advanced manufacturing techniques. Bringing these two key drivers together can help our partners have a competitive market advantage in developing batteries for electric vehicles.” 


2024年12月3日,天目湖先进储能技术研究院有限公司与国家地方共建新型储能创新中心签署《国研院-天目湖先进储能电池中试及检测联合研究院合作框架协议》。根据协议内容,双方就先进储能技术的关键设计、工程制造、应用牵引,以及体系化综合解决方案和标准体系建设等方面达成合作意向,将共同开展先进储能电池的中试研究和检测技术研究,强化材料与器件检测表征与失效分析,推广研发成果应用,充分为技术研发创新、产业结构优化、产品质量提高赋能,打造国内领先、国际先进新型储能中试验证平台,引导新型储能行业高质量发展。双方签署战略合作协议本次签约承载着深远的战略意义,显著强化了双方优势互补的合作关系,实现长三角地区与珠三角地区储能产业链技术服务的有效互动,成功启动“材料至电芯、再到模组、pack以及储能并网”完整产业链布局的构建。天目湖先进储能研究院天目湖先进储能研究院由江苏溧阳高新区与中国科学院物理研究所合作共建,位于江苏常州溧阳,由陈立泉院士出任名誉院长,李泓研究员为创始人和总工程师,是一家从事先进储能技术研发服务的企业,在先进储能技术研究方向的测试、诊断、研发、信息、政策咨询等方面拥有卓 越的成就和丰富的经验,在先进储能电池中试及检测的前沿技术和工艺研发、成果转化方面成绩斐然,处于行业领先地位。国家地方共建新型储能创新中心国家地方共建新型储能创新中心由广东省委省政府联合中国南方电网公司共同推动组建,于2023年11月获工信部批复组建,是新型储能领域全国唯一的国家级制造业创新中心,也是第一家由产业应用侧企业牵头组建的创新中心。储能创新中心按照“公司+联盟”模式运作。公司由南网科技、大唐集团、南网储能、亿纬锂能等13家新型储能产业上下游龙头骨干企业合资组建。联盟涵盖比亚迪、欣旺达、鹏辉能源、华为数字能源、澳门电力、香港理工、澳门大学等产学研单位,覆盖新型储能领域超85%的国家级创新平台。


创新驱动,储能未来 | 国家级创新平台诚聘英才


近日,江苏省生产力促进中心发布2024年江苏瞪羚企业评估结果的通知,天目湖先进储能技术研究院有限公司(以下简称“TIES”)成功获江苏省瞪羚企业认定。瞪羚企业是指已经跨越创业期死亡谷,以科技创新或商业模式创新为支撑,进入高成长期的中小企业。它们具有跳跃式的发展态势,成长速度快,创新能力强,符合国家和省战略新兴产业发展方向。瞪羚企业不仅是独角兽企业的后备力量,还在带动区域创新发展、培育壮大新动能方面发挥重要作用。作为独立的新型第三方研发服务型企业,TIES以发展未来可实用化的先进电化学储能技术为导向,荟萃了多位万人计划领军人才、国家杰出青年等海内外高端人才,组建了超200 人的研发团队,硕博占比超40%。TIES在全球范围内已服务400余家客户,包含电化学储能领域材料、电芯、电动汽车、消费电子等行业龙头企业。与中国科学院物理所、中国科学技术大学、上海交通大学、天津大学等国内重点高校/科研院所合作,累计成立16家科学家工作室,利用TIES平台的综合资源,将科研创新思想与企业应用需求相结合,推进产学研深度融合,攻克共性难题和瓶颈技术,推动基础究产业化、助力产业技术问题高效解决。此外,TIES先后获批博士后科研工作站、国家级高新技术企业、国家专精特新“小巨人”企业、江苏省新型研发机构、江苏省先进固态电池工程研究中心、江苏省动力及储能电池产业服务中心和技术孵化平台等荣誉资质。目前,TIES正在积极对接各大投融资机构,快速推进市场化运营进程,集聚行业尖端人才,专注突破产业关键共性技术,扩大科技企业培育孵化规模,希望建设成为世界知名的储能产品高水平测试中心与关键技术发源地!‌未来,TIES将会在科技创新道路上砥砺前行,将“瞪羚”理念贯彻到产品设计与技术服务当中,为推动先进储能产业高质量发展注入更强动力!


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